Dr. R. Brindha Devi, I.A.S. | District Collector and District Magistrate, Salem | collrslm[at]nic[dot]in | 0427-2450301 |
. | Commissioner of Corporation, Salem | commr[dot]salem[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in | 0427-2213131 |
Tmt. N.PONMANI, I.A.S. | Additional Collector (Dev),DRDA Salem | drdaslm[at]gmail[dot]com | 0427-2451683 |
Thiru. Praveen Kumar Abhinapu,I.P.S. | Commissioner of Police, Salem city | copsalemcity[at]gmail[dot]com | 0427-2224000 |
Thiru. Gautam Goyal, IPS., | Superintendent of Police, Salem | tnspsalem[at]gmail[dot]com | 0427-2274747 |
Thiru R. Ravi Kumar | District Revenue Officer and Additional District Magistrate ,Salem | droslm[at]nic[dot]in | 0427-2450303 |